Assalamualikum wr...wb..

         Introduce my name is SONI HARSONO my from education ips, faculty FKIP miss can call my with term SONI. May origin territory sambas but my live in sejiram or chand peluntan RT three and RW two, subdistrict tebas now live in road husein hamzah political district administered by a village chief mile five. Complex berdikari indah two no C sixteen, my no with together with causin my in hause family, my house that already empty because the person with in sambas my and cousin my in coll for with in here for watch over house. My child to six from five brother, mother my so salled ASPIA and father my so salled BAKAR, person old my some boddy farmer so motivation my for university lectureand pick university geogbag. My wish make happy person old my. if my pass scholar wait beable promote two person old my climbe.haji whay my pick educaiton ips because my wich expond knowledge social and also my graduate cause ips my, felying mui wish become teacher and another split up know ledge for follow for nation and state.
         Java back education my elementary school three nine sejiram lower secondary scholl seven tebas and upper scondary scholl one tebas. Now alhamdulillah blessing person old my and older sibling or causin my , my can university lecture in faculty FKIP cause education ips time my upper secondary scholl in class ten my not think for universiti lecture in bacause my not shall become load person old my. My time upper secondary scholl not once follow organization because my more for help person old my. In a row walk time my reguire,opinion to friend near my talk: RIYON name, friend my whether my pick uiversity lecture beable and money if manufacture person old my that my and friend my every SONI word if you work money yess forperson old but you store money also for you and also money fast finished. power lit finished age more and more old if you university lecture and money person old andmanufacture. Person old but if you already scholar can work beable repley, mind person old and money scholar that not finished to you old. Work only each at child small although aduly, lit my university lecture my wish follow all organization, let enter add to experience. My and add to freind many and also not offend university lecture, my fine hobby my play vollyball. So and enough introduce my if there iswrong about procedd of writing my, my reguest for give because correctness only hers ALLAH SWT. My saying thank you Assalamualikum wr.. wb..


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