All person definite have purpose and dream, in live for some year fron like my this purpose and dream. Live my only for word sunccess interior meaning dream, interior all matter definite all person succes that's it with success that we can rewarding to person. Other tell about self my past my think whether my can pursue,dream my for lecture in university because . My not can belief with ability my have now near, only dream that not possible for accomplished but my think dream, that not are fault because with we dream that as motivation we for time fron.
       Do not be afraid for dream as high as possible, my from village or child shoreline that desire wish, become teather overly plumpness person every that person village, troubled for lecture in university because some factor in hibiturs fault one of curser. Expense but that not obstacle for my, for purpse and dream live my, my strainght battle of course can lecture in univesity. 

Alhamdullilah that Allah SWT help my for lecture in university, that my dream time my SMA. myintense be gradeful comfort that Allah SWT give it away, to my how for moment this dream. Still are that less my think with lecture not enough for time fon my, my wish can memorize Al-Qur'an although moment this my not yetthoroughly for memorize Al-Qur'an thirtieth jus. Along with hadist if already can memorize Al-Qur'an thirtieth jus and along with hadist definite, dream and live we will animed because interior all that definite. Are instruction good what that you opinion when already thirtieth jus and hadist, definite please that story my momen this and time fron hopefully helpful thank you.
     Word motivation for we all(Time fron is property they that belief on bauty dream they) Eleanor roosevelt.


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