Three levels of Government

I. Circle the correct meaning for each of the following words from the passage

1. Officials
2. Mayor
3. Senators
4. Entrust
5. Interest

II. Decide whether these statements are true (T) or False (F) Correct the false one.

1. F
2. F
3. T
4. F
5. T

III. Short answer

1. local, state and federal.
2. They mayor and city council members pass laws.
3. Health and safety of state citizens.
4. The president
5. It can print money it can negotiate with other countries it can declare war on another country.

IV. Reading discussion (group work)

1. There five
 a. president
 b. governor
 c. regent
 d. subdistrict head
 e. village
 f. chairman of rt

3. I choose bali, because bali is a favorite tourist destination for everyone. The blend of natural beauty, culture, community frienliness, and culinary richness are the reasons I want to live there.

4. According to our group the difference between the U.S government and the indonesia government lies in its system of government the indonesia government system of pancasila (REPUBLIC) which mean that everything withen the territory of the indonesia republic is the property of the state. While the U.S government is a liberal system (perlement) which means recognizing the ringt of ownership of every citizen of individual so the different is in the recognitions of individual property ringht andfrom of state.


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